Examinations Offered:
Click on the links below to see the list of items required to bring to each examination
Other Services Offered:
Flight Review
Instrument Proficiency Check
Flight Instruction
Student Pilot Certificate Issuance
Basic Ground Instructor certificates
Advanced Ground Instructor Certificate
Instrument Ground Instructor Certificate
*Please make sure to visit the Fees tab prior to arriving the day of the checkride
Examination Process:
Schedule Exam:
Exams can be scheduled through my website. First available date I have will show up for scheduling. If nothing is available I am full, but you may always check back on the website as cancellations may occur.
Week Prior to Exam:
An Email with all information pertaining to exam will be sent to you
Day of Exam:
Arrive at KLUD airport, we will meet in my office unless other arrangements have been made. My office is located inside the hanger and upstairs, parking will be out front of the fuel farm.
The oral exam MUST be conducted first.
The flight portion of the exam will only take place once the oral portion is successfully completed (remember the entire test is an exam as well, and oral questioning may still take place)
Three Possible Outcomes:
Successful Test- This occurs when both the oral portion and flight portion has met all of the standards of the ACS you will receive a temporary certificate to exercise privileges
Discontinuance- This may occur due to weather being outside of the minimums of the airmen, aircraft or examiner, the aircraft has a maintenance issue, or for safety reasons. This can happen after oral is completed, but prior to takeoff or it may happen once in the air if unforeseen weather takes place and we must return to the airport. The test is picked up at a later date when conditions are met to finish exam. This can be completed with myself or with any other examiner. Additional fees may be required
Disapproval- This occurs when either the oral portion or the flight portion has not met the standards of the ACS. The applicant will get credit for all successful items and will need to retest on AT LEAST the items that did not meet the standards. This can be completed with myself of with any other examiner. A retest fee will be required upon return.
If a Discontinuance or Disapproval takes place the Applicant will have 60 days from the date of the first attempt to complete the exam. If the process takes longer than 60 days to complete the Applicant will have to retest the ENTIRE EXAM. (This will require a full examination fee)