Scheduling is Easy!
Scheduling with a DPE can be a daunting task, as we are very busy! To take some of the ease out of it I have provided an online scheduler below. Please choose a date that will work best with your schedule. I require AT MINIMUM a 48 hour cancellation notice. This will allow those applicants that may be on a standby list to get a checkride slot.
Click here to: Schedule online. Please note when scheduling that ALL exams will be conducted out of the Decatur airport in Decatur, TX.
Once you have scheduled online I will receive the appointment and you will receive a notification once approved. If you need to change or modify your schedule you can do so on the website. I will email you a week in advanced to confirm your scheduled appointment and issue you cross country information/checkride scenarios. If at this time I do not receive a response confirming your appointment, I reserve the right to cancel . If there is no response I can only assume that you will not be attending.
*Please note that all schedules are subject to change.
*****All applicants will be required to send me the following at least 48 prior to the exam:
A scanned copy of all pertinent documents (Photo ID, Pilot Certificate, Medical certificate, FTN number, and written test results including ACS codes of missed questions.)
In addition all aircraft logbooks must be brought to the exam.